What we're doing to keep Cobbs safe: A message from Tom


What we’re doing at Cobbs to keep our loyal customers and staff safe.

This year has presented us all with challenges we didn’t even know existed and forced us to all adapt to new ways of doing things. I wanted to give you all an update on what we continue to do at Cobbs to ensure a safe and secure environment for all.

  • Rigorous and enhanced hygiene procedures – since prior to the March lockdown, we have constantly reviewed and updated hygiene procedures to ensure we are going above and beyond any recommended standards.

  • Face coverings – in line with government advice, all staff wear face coverings throughout the day. Staff wear these at all times and not only when in customer-facing areas.

  • Track & Trace – as early adopters of the track and trace scheme we ensure every customer to the café follows the track and trace procedures.

  • External advisers – we have employed external and independent professional advisors to regularly assess our Covid-secure plans and additional measures put in place.

  • Remote working - All our office staff now work remotely so as to reduce the number of staff on-site at any one time.

  • Reducing customer numbers – in both the shop and the café we consistently manage customer flow and numbers so as to ensure we exceed any social distancing guidelines recommended. Where possible, please do continue to shop alone in our farm shops.

  • Christmas Orders – this year, we will be operating a time collection system for orders collected from our butchery counters. This will allow us to manage the flow of numbers through the shop and ensure the safest and best possible shopping experience.

  • Visitors to the site – any deliveries or visitors to the site other than customers have their details taken and must complete a registration form.

  • In-house testing – Cobbs has invested in its own recognised Covid-19 testing kits to provide regular tests across the team as requested.

  • Covered outdoor area – we have installed heated and covered outdoor spaces on our terraces, all with good ventilation and providing additional capacity through the winter in a secure and comfortable environment.

  • Hand sanitisers – these have been installed since March and our accredited foam sanitiser is available at numerous locations throughout the site for all to use.

We do not pretend to have all the answers but rest assured, we take our responsibilities very seriously and will continue to do whatever we can to ensure your experience at Cobbs is a safe and secure one.


Thank you for your ongoing support.

Tom Newey
Chief Executive

Katie Westwood